Monday 30 April 2012

Welcome to the English Class Blog on
Markus Zusak's The Book Thief

This blog will be dedicated to exploring Markus Zusak's novel The Book Thief and the historical context in which the book is set, through quotes from the novel, historical and scholarly sources and relevant media.

The Assignment:
In pairs, select one of the topics provided in class. (Each are relevant to the novel.) Your task is to create one entry to be posted on the class blog - which will act as a resource for the class. Your task is to find 1-2 effective (scholarly yet readable) articles on your topic. You may not use Wikipedia (except as preliminary research). Your blog post must include the following:

- A short summary of the article(s) selected.
- (2-3 short paragraphs: 150-200 words)
- Be sure to review summary style.

- This will be submitted to

- A brief selection of interesting facts
- All facts must be properly cited (MLA style)

- A selection of 2-3 relevant quotes from the novel

- Include page references

- Link to the entire article
- Rename link (ex. "read article")


- Include 2-3 relevant images
- Include one video clip (if possible)

*Make sure your choices are responsible, and your sources are credible, and properly cited.